By-Laws 2012
By-Law 151 - Agreement of Property Sale-Preuit
By-law 153 - Authorize Civil Marriages
By-Law 154 - To Adopt Civil Marriages
By-Law 155 - Wood-Wylie Drain Repair
By-Law 156 - Administering Limits for Capping by-law
By-Law 157 - Mandatory Library Fees for 2012, 13,14
By-Law 158 - Adoption of Tax Ratios for 2012
By-Law 159 - Provide Tax Ratios for 2012
By-Law 160 - Borrowing of Money to Meet Expenditures
By-Law 161 - Specific Purpose Municipal Borrowing
By-Law 162 - Adopt the Offical Plan
By-Law 163 - Being a By-Law to amend Bylaw #443-Martin Zoning
By-Law 164 - Health and Safety Policy
By-Law 165 - Casual and Temporary Employees
By-Law 166 - Resind
By-Law 167 - Resind
By-Law 168 - Resind
By-Law 169 - Appoint a Committee of Adjustment
By-Law 170 - Amend Procedural Start Time & Notice Date
By-Law 171 - Rating By-Law Tile Drainage