Strategic Plan

In 2009, the Municipality of Charlton and Dack completed a Strategic Plan which helps set the direction of the Municipality in future decision making. A regional strategic plan was also developed with the Town of Englehart, the Township of Chamberlain and the Township of Evanturel to help set our regional direction.

Click here for our Regional Strategic Plan (May 2013)

Click here for the Charlton and Dack Strategic Plan (March 2009)

Community Profile

A community profile was developed for our region. This was sponsored in part by the Province of Ontario and the Kirkland and District Community Development Corporation. This document outlines our community structure and provides a document for potential business development. 

Click here for the Community Profile (November 2011)

Shared Services Report

Funding was received from the Province to evaluate current operations and services provided within Charlton Dack, Chamberlain, Evanturel, and Englehart and the unincorporated Townships of Robillard, Savard, and Pacaud.

Central Timiskaming Shared Services (Charlton Dack, Chamberlain, Englehart, Evanturel) - November 2020

Unorganized Shared Services (Charlton Dack, Chamberlain, Robillard, Savard, Pacaud) - November 2020

Asset Management

As part of O. Reg. 588/17, all municipalities are required to adopt a Strategic Asset Management Policy by July 1, 2019. Asset Management Policies covering core assets are required by July 1, 2022 expanding to include all assets by July 1, 2024.

Strategic Asset Management Policy

Asset Management Policy

Community Safety and Well Being

Improving safety and well-being in the Timiskaming District requires a collaborative approach that will involve many community partners working together with the municipalities in the district, towards systems change that will benefit all residents of all the communities in the district. This Community Safety and Well-being (CSWB) Plan was developed for the intended use of all 23 municipalities in the Timiskaming District and the Municipality of Temagami, with the support and contribution of multiple agencies and organizations in the Timiskaming District, with direct input from the district’s residents.

Community Safety and Well Being Plan - July 2022