Health Services
Blanche River Health
The Municipality of Charlton and Dack is in the catchment area of Blanche River Health.
Click here for more information.
The Englehart and District Walk In Health Clinic
The Temiskaming Health Unit is located on Hwy#11 in Englehart. The Health Unit can assist you with everything from Child Care to Flu Vaccine Clinics. They also have classes you can take or arrange for an in home visit by their professional health care providers.
63 Fifth Street, Englehart, Ontario, P0J 1H0
Telephone: 705-544-2321
Fax: 705-544-5222
Click here for the Englehart and District Walk In Health Clinic Website
District of Temiskaming Social Services Administration Board
A large portion of our Municipal taxes are paid to the District of Timiskaming Social Services Board, who are responsible for the following services in our area:
Childcare Administration
Childcare Program
Social Housing
Ontario Works Administration
Ontario Works Program
Ontario Works Employment Program
ODSP Administration
ODSP Program
Land Ambulance