By-Laws 2013
By-Law 172 - Registered Plan of Subdivision-Preuit
By-Law 174 - Specific Purpose Borrowing
By-Law 175 - Borrowing to meet Current Expenditures
By-Law 177 - Drainage Superintendent
By-Law 179 - Administering Limits for Commercial
By-Law 180 - Adoption of Tax Rates and Penalty
By-Law 181 - Regulate Filling of Ditches
By-Law 182 - Agreement for Electronic Waste (OES)
By-Law 183 - Not Passed
By-Law 184 - Exempt Legion Municipal Taxes for 5 years
By-Law 185 - Regulating Outdoor Privies in Charlton
By-Law 186 - Construct a Section of Road Allowance off Cooley
By-Law 187 - Amend Zoning Bylaw to add School
By-Law 188 - Adopt Emergency Management Program
By-Law 189 - Rating By-Law Tile Drainage Repealed
By-Law 190 - Borrow Money for Truck
By-Law 191 - Rating By-Law Tile Drainage
By-Law 192 - Borrowing By-Law
By-Law 193 - Not Passed
By-Law 194 - Not Passed
By-Law 195 - Not Passed